About Me


I'm Alba, thanks for stopping by and stalking my blog filled with eclectic memories. I am currently a Junior in college majoring in Accounting with a passion for photography.

In 2014, my best friend Rachael and I studied abroad in Austria- this will forever go down the biggest "yolo" of my life. My camera came with me everywhere we traveled to (thanks ona bags) allowing me to capture the beauty of every country we visited. The reason why I love photography so much is because through it you are able to relive moments.

So this is my goal; to capture every candid moment that cannot be recreated.
Life flies by... my abroad adventures included.
So this is my place where I can forever store my memories.

I struggle with remaining in one place, always wanting to be everywhere at once. Stay posted for some more adventures in California, and wherever I may go to next.

In awe of God’s creation, I fully intend to live out this life adventuring this beautiufl world we were meant to see.
xo, albs
everyday albs. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.