
Hands Across The Border

Every year, the university I attend takes a group of people down to to Ensenada, Mexico on a mission trip. The group breaks into different ministries such as VBS, Women's Shelter, Orphanage, Men's Rehab and Construction. I did not have a very positive attitude about coming on the trip in the beginning. I kept thinking, whats going to compare to last year's trip? But at the end of the week, I was so happy that the trip slapped me in the face and turned out to be even better than the last. I was a part of the VBS group, later known as PBS- painting bible school. My team and I, lead by our fearless leader Michaela, painted churches all week. It was physically exhausting. At the end of each day we had a church service at local churches at which my team and I got to play with the kids and share bible stories. It was so cool to see that although we were so exhausted from painting all day, the kids gave us so much energy. They always wanted to be held and noticed, I'm such a sucker for the little bratty boys.  Although painting was not nearly as emotionally draining as other team's jobs, it was super awesome to hear the pastors of various churches that we were their answers to their prayers. These are churches that are extremely run down and the community does as much as possible to provide and help out but its a very very poor area. We painted in order for the churches to look good, for people to keep praising Jesus and the word to continue to be spread. Everything for the Kingdom of the Lord. Coming out of the trip, I can gladly say that I have 5 new awesome friends with whom I stuck with all week dancing around to We Can't stop and singing High School Musical while painting. I am so ridiculously thankful that we were all put together, PBS fo' life. The whole team was rad, seriously. These trips just keep getting better and better. Jesus is so freaking good!


 the parachute that made the kids go crazy
 serious painters
so much for a mug shot...
 momma Duck is the cutest
 "For God so loved the World he gave his only begotten son"
 working hard or hardly working?
 little Isaac
 thrifty ice cream 3 days in a row tehe
 my team leader is such a hottie!
13 tacos later...

everyday albs. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.