
thinking tuesdays

I cannot believe that there are only 8 weeks left to my fourth semester in college. Where does time keep going? It is in our human nature to try to keep everything around us in control. Control time, control life; it’s exhausting…seriously. I honestly can say for myself that I have been getting really caught up in planning what’s next for me, what’s the next big move for Alba? It seems as of lately, every time I make a plan for myself, God shuts it down, almost saying, “wait, there’s something so much greater for you, you've just gotta wait!” But to be honest, patience has never been my strongest suit. I feel like the remote on my life is in constant fast-forward and I want to hit pause so bad to stop worrying and live in the right here, right now. I’ve always thought it's so cliché when people say “Worried? give all your worries to God!” Yes, it is powerful, but being completely and brutally honest, it’s so freaking hard to do that!!! Definitely easier said than done. This has been one of the things I have been learning to do this past (school) year. Patience and trust go hand in hand. “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14. Our lives have already been planned out by our Almighty God, all we need to do is allow him to steer out boat into the right direction. There are so many decisions to be made during these next two months: where am I living next semester, am I studying abroad, who will my roommate be, what classes am I taking, where am I working during the summer. I keep avoiding all these questions because the thought of needing to have an answer so soon freaks me out!

But check this out-
Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalms 37:7

God will meet your needs according to HIS perfect plan! Doesn’t that bring peace into your life? He is so incredible!!

song that kept going around in my head while writing this:
the fear // Ben Howard

 don't take pictures and drive ok


  1. I totally understand! I am still so shocked that my 4th semester is almost done too. Halfway through college. That is so strange! It goes by so fast! I can remember my sophomore year of high school and yet I'm finishing my sophomore year of college. It is so strange. I also relate to you about trusting God. It seems like as Christians it is just something we are just suppose to be doing, yet it is way more difficult than that! God does have a plan though! I hope he reveals it to you soon!

    1. I know right? Ridiculous how time flies by. But yes, exactly! It simply is one of those things that one must learn over time. And thanks, hope yours is revealed day by day too:)


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