"3 months is such a long time", this was everyone's response to me saying I was studying abroad. And here I am, one month into living abroad and absolutely loving it. Time has flown by, seriously, in a blink of an eye. Coming in I had to idea what to expect; of Salzburg, of being on my own, living in Europe, everything. I declare this as being my greatest/ biggest "yolo" moment (yes I just said that). Living in a different country has been grand. I honestly can't even find the words to describe this experience. I've met some cool peeps, drank a lot of coffee, been eating too many pastries, and have visited Germany, Croatia, and a few cities in Austria so far.
The nine hour difference to home is still kinda triply, can't believe my family wakes up when I'm halfway through my day and I wake up when they are going to bed. Not gonna lie, I miss warm California and driving Lola down PCH with my windows down and sunroof open; but at the same time, I am learning to enjoy falling asleep to the rain and seeing/ hearing lighting and thunder. There's a huge mountain right outside my window, definitely not my typical sight back home, I love it.
So no, three months is not too long, I am already wishing I had more time here.
I miss ya California, but Europe is pretty cool.
30 days down, 65 more to go.

Cafe Tomaselli & the garden

St. Rupert's Festival

Overlooking Germany

King's Lake

Redbulls Soccer Game


UNTERSBERG SUMMIT: highest peak in Salzburg

Caroline sending selfies to her mom

xo, albs
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