
winter break in rewind

A full month of no homework, no caf food, and lots of sleeping in- do i reeeeaaaaally have to go back? This break went by in a blink of an eye (why?!). I visited my sups cool roommie Rachael in Minnesota for a week and it was so much fun, ridiculously cold, but lots of fun (I even learned how to play hockey!!) Rach and her sweet momma took me and showed me around the city. I woke up the first morning and it was snowing, it was so beautiful! I thought i was a cold weather person but dang, did MN test my cold tolerance!
With being gone a week with Rach, i ended up spending three weeks at home. I loved getting together will my family for all the holiday shenanigans. We set up a photo booth at our christmas family party and the pictures came out really cute. I've loved every single moment of being home. Winter in San Diego is so ridiculously perfect- so many beach days! I am so blessed to be surrounded by the people i love the most and i can say, that for the first time, i am not ready to leave home yet. But, hey, 2014 i;m ready for yuuuu so...BRING IT ON!!

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